oh, uh... i would've watch you streaming, but i have a really, really bad internet. sowwie
Don't be a Salad
Be the best god damned broccoli you could ever be.
when you can you will always be welcomed.

I am going to stream now.

Again streaming tb art.

Made a bit of a mod I was making.
Last edited by dengue; Dec 20, 2015 at 05:22 AM.
man, I would always LOVE to be a part of your stream, but my internet recently has been less than impressive

damn you christmas shoppers

IF my internet is ever fixed I'd join it 100% of the time

Originally Posted by dengue View Post
am streaming now.
feel free to join, now design feets, hands and poses.

Hey fellow jolly roger!,
Seems you have a live stream going on.
ill be glad if I'm in one of your live stream.
Also, you have talent on making arts
Keep up the good work.
PM me if you wanna play. my GMT +8

Quantum Out.
Today stream with pixel art.
starts in 10 minutes.

ended with some progress
Last edited by dengue; Apr 26, 2016 at 04:02 PM.