Original Post
[TrC] Tricking Cracked (ReadFullOp!)

This is a tricking organization which all members are encouraged
to be the best they can and try their hardest. We do not expect perfection nor do we expect mastery.
What we do expect is you abide by the rules and try your hardest, although you don't need to be amazing at tricking to join you need basic knowledge of it.
If you put effort in you will receive the respect and the admiration by your peers.
If you do not abide you will not be treated lesser you will just be removed from the org or denied.

No Flaming (Roasting)
No Racism
Do Not Make Fun Of Replays
Keep Conversation Civil
Do Not Spam
Do Not Premote Personal Events Here



When applying to this org keep all applications paragraph form.
Please include the following
Why Do you want to join?
What can you bring to this org?
Give a few things about yourself we would like to know who we are recruiting.
*Give ATLEAST 2 tricking replays, you may post more than that.

Join Our Discord Chat To Interact With Fellow Members And Other Trickers

Last edited by Samurai; Jan 3, 2017 at 06:25 PM.
PKRitz Application
Hello! I'm PKRitz (you can just call me PK) and I actually really like the concept of this group, because although there is the trickionary, they don't really go for the teaching standpoint, and more of the "If you are good, awesome. If you want to learn, screw off" kind of attitude.

So this is my application (I didn't know If it was just do the replay or have an actual application, so lets do both!)

Like I said at the top, I'm PKRitz and I've been tricking in toribash for about a year now, I used to be on another account, but I hated the name of it and I was to cheap to buy a new name lol. I've learned all my tricking from myself and some other good trickers (I took lessons from Move for a while) but I haven't been able to reach the level that I ultimately want to, and I'm hoping that this will help me improve!

Just an FYI for the replays, I usually don't just go for the simple "do a backflip" with my replays, I try to add something that makes it different and unique, just so I'm not like every other average tricker. Hope thats ok with you guys!

Here's the replay:
Attached Files
Ritz-TrC Backflip.rpl (148.4 KB, 22 views)
Just a recommendation, If people want to join at a later date, but lets say we are at a trick that is to advanced for them. Maybe we could do a log of all the tricks we've done and include the descriptions/instructions with them. If they want to go to the next trick (or a later trick) they have to post replays for all the tricks that came before that trick.

This is just a recommendation, and If you think you'd have trouble monitoring this if it were to happen, I would be happy to help!
Also waiting a whole week for a new trick is kind of a pain, I think the format is awesome, just wish I had other options yknow?
My name is Turbocharge
I've just been tricking for like...1 week
i've never tricked in Toribash in my life..
and i've just been making replays for 1 months..
here is the backflip!

And i learned everything my self..
Never took lessons..
tho i want to take some lessons...
Attached Files
[T] Weirdness.rpl (60.5 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by Turbocharge; Nov 25, 2016 at 09:35 AM.
here's my application. I've been tricking for about a year, but people tell me I suck so I guess I'll try to learn here. Quick replay.
Attached Files
[T] quicky.rpl (122.7 KB, 18 views)
1002003 welcome.
Also be on the lookout tuesday is when
the new trick of the week comes up
aslo special announcement
we will start doing the weekly trick
but whoever makes the best combo with the weekly trick gets feutured
Last edited by Samurai; Nov 25, 2016 at 09:42 PM.