Original Post
Head textures.
So I bought the head texture on the torishop yesterday thinking I can now make/sell/showcase my art that I'm going to try making. So I started on making my head textures. (I'm learning but I'm making the textures in 512 becsuse that's what I thought all head textures were) but then later I went on again and realized enable to use the not good quality you need to buy a different head that specifies the textures. This really disappointed me because I thought that I only needed to spend 200 TC and being new this was.. A lot to me. So now I need to save up to get the overpriced good texture. I wish the lowest texture said what it was so you knew your not getting the worst then later finding out there are more than one head options to buy if you scroll to the bottom. (I thought 512 and stuff was only important in art buy/selling)
Last edited by MrGreenChips; Sep 6, 2016 at 11:04 PM. Reason: Spelling error.
If you want to sell headtextures, you don't need to have any, all you sell is the texture itself not the item in the shop. The items in the shop are just there so you can use your headtextures yourself. If you're good at it, you should be able to make enough money for a 512x head pretty quickly
This template may help you

and yeah you don't need an item in order to sell textures you can put a .tga in Uke's folder and see what it would look like in 512
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
U know.....there are some items in toribazh tht are called the same.....take for example music....tht could be either head phones...or actuall game music.....
This thread is over a month old, don't think the OP will still read this.

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