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Idea of default key
I would like to add one thing that i think would be quiet useful. My problem sometimes on servers is that if i want to perform a complex and long opener i dont have enough time. What i thought is to add a place in the game where you can perform moves and put tham in a default key so when you want to perform them its much easier and quicker.
The bad thing of these is that if you just click the default key and space quickly it makes your enemy think that you have than that because you cant move so quick, so if you want to be tricky just dont press space. The other problem ive detected is that with these there wil be lots of repeatition in the moves and this can make the game boring, but i dont know how to fix that. If you want to be a fair and fun player just dont do that i supose.
I hope you like this idea!!!
there is a script which hits really what u meant.
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