Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Originally Posted by Pich
Also, i think its really funny when you try to catch by any way your dismembered limb.

That part is seconded, you may need some hilarious manouvers in attemp of catching a lost armpiece, or kicking it further away =P
What what? In the butt.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Technically very difficult to implement i would imagine.

How would the software know which is the dismembered part, and which is the rest of the body?

If you get kicked in half, would it be your legs or your upper body that couldn't DQ?

Maybe anything attached to your head is valid for a DQ, so what if your head gets kicked skywards and everything else falls to the floor, no dq?

It might be clear in some circumstances, but that's not going to be good enough for a a computer program to handle without a lot of work!

How do the people asking for this suggest it should distinguish between which part of the body to DQ on and which not to?.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
I think the 3 parts or less as a limb is good. The attached to head is bad because if you are decapped with your head far in the air, you now can't be disqualified.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Foxie: Oh, sorry. You're right. The game is perfect mana from heaven and I can't possibly suggest a change because I'm bad at it.

The addition of limbs DQing people is a totally unnecessary detriment from dismemberment.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Originally Posted by worm
Foxie: Oh, sorry. You're right. The game is perfect mana from heaven and I can't possibly suggest a change because I'm bad at it.

The addition of limbs DQing people is a totally unnecessary detriment from dismemberment.

Aside from your constant ignorance and stupidity, you need to learn how to play Toribash. If you lose a body part, it's because you messed up or failed to counter your opponent correctly. It would also be a waste of time to code something that will only please one person.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Originally Posted by worm
Foxie: Oh, sorry. You're right. The game is perfect mana from heaven and I can't possibly suggest a change because I'm bad at it.

The addition of limbs DQing people is a totally unnecessary detriment from dismemberment.

I don't think you get it. A judgement call is an easy thing for a human being to make, its easy for me to say, yeah that was an arm, but a computer has no judgement, it has to follow strict rules. Even if the 3 parts or less gets implemented, if your pec comes off with your shoulder and hits the ground, you're still gonna be dq'd. Also you should answer Hampa's original question, which is how do you handle torso dismemberment?
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
All you guys that hate limb DQ's are only looking at it from the times that YOU got DQ'd by your lost leg or arm. Think of all the times you have won a fight because the unlucky opponents knee broke. And spiking a limb is a skill, if you do it wrong the added weight of the limb sometimes breaks your arm off at the elbow. The game is fine as it is, you guys are all just getting mad over a few lost games.
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ

I got another rule that I think could be better.

If a body has one of his joints dismembered the body is considered safe.

I think this simple rule would cover most of the hard safes.

The case where you get torsocapped, you still need to keep your knees of the ground. Which easy for a experienced player and a challenge for a beginner ;)

Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Well, hampa doesn't think I'm a loser newb moron asking for impossible things to be programmed just because I hate losing by lost limb DQ, but love winning by it. So fuck you guys.

I still think that the 3 or 2 part rule would be pretty good also. I don't don't know what you mean, if the body has a joint dismembered it won't cause DQ, or what?
Re: Are lost body parts ever not going to count towards DQ
Originally Posted by worm
Well, hampa doesn't think I'm a loser newb moron asking for impossible things to be programmed just because I hate losing by lost limb DQ, but love winning by it. So fuck you guys.

I still think that the 3 or 2 part rule would be pretty good also. I don't don't know what you mean, if the body has a joint dismembered it won't cause DQ, or what?

Ok, guys. Let's take it easy ;)

In theese threads with suggestion, let's just suggest stuff.

Anyways, here is how I was thinking.

If we have an arm, dismembered at the shoulder, green would parts be safe and red parts would DQ:


1. Hand hit the ground -> Safe! (it is always safe)
2. Wrist hit the ground -> DQ (since joint is ok)
3. Lower arm hit the ground -> DQ (since both of its connected joints are intact)
4. Elbow hit the ground -> DQ (since joint is ok)
5. Upper arm hit the ground -> Safe! (since one if the connected joints are dismembered)
6. Shoulder hit the ground -> Safe! (since it is dismembered)