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Some Black Kid Breaking Into My House
Holy shit, what the (bleep) do I do?! I was chilling in my room watching TV, when I heard all these noises around the house that sounded like someone stumbling around bumping into stuff and going through the garbage and trying to open the locked doors. I went to inspect when I heard some rattling on the window in the kitchen. Then I see some chubby black kid banging on my windows, trying to let himself in my house somehow. When he saw me, he just started smiling. I asked him what he wanted and he told me to let him in my house.

When I said I wouldn't, he appeared to be very insulted and became enraged and broke the window by punching it. I mean, he doesn't really scare me. I'm sure if he gets worse, I can just run outside and kick his ass. But he's not really doing much. Now he's basically just standing there smiling menacingly. I took a picture, I'll post it.

I don't even know this kid, though he eventually told me his name is "Cory". Every couple minutes, he requests access to my house again. I don't know why he's so obsessed with coming inside, when I ask him why he wants to come in, he just keeps asking to come in without giving a reason. Should I let him in or what? I sorta want to because he just broke a window, and maybe if I let him I can get him to call his parents to come pick him up and then discuss some sort of payment for my broken window.

You should definitly let him in, then tell him your racist against blacks, at which point you flash a magnum.
Originally Posted by Giantz View Post
You should definitly let him in, then tell him your racist against blacks, at which point you flash a magnum.

Oh, you were expecting me? Anyways, I'd shoot the coon with my double-barrel.
Originally Posted by Slybash View Post

fake. isnt that some celebrity?

How long'd it take ya to figure out that one Sherlok?
But I think the thing about the magnum was kinda racist.
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
This doesn't make sense...
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
Originally Posted by Tiebasher View Post
How long'd it take ya to figure out that one Sherlok?
But I think the thing about the magnum was kinda racist.

i edited like two seconds after i posted, sherlock