It's a profitable career. My hometown's university has one of the top body farms in the nation so I actually know a few people studying that too. Real CSI shit there.

Philosophy sounds pretty fun.
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Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
It's a profitable career. My hometown's university has one of the top body farms in the nation so I actually know a few people studying that too. Real CSI shit there.

Philosophy sounds pretty fun.

Philosophy IS fun, but it's not something I'd like to study.
- no future
- no money
- retarded co-students
- people with more 'difficult' curricula look down on you

I can study philosophy on my own. If you read the original works etc. everything is being laid out pretty well for you. You don't need to pay someone to explain something as easy as philosphy, you can do it yourself in your spare time.

Science, however, is something else. You usually don't have the equipment at home to conduct certain experiments, get used to the lab, ... Besides, studying science from books alone is more difficult than reading a philosophical work and understanding it.
f=m*a syens