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rainbow joints
hey guys I had an idea while watching whale porn, what if someone had a rainbow relax that changed color when you fight? butI wonder would that require a constant data flow for it to work. or it could have some of the same properties as a flame except it would be stable tell me.what you you think.

also sorry for the random periods.... my phone has aids soz
Left Blank Intentionally
~Not supported, like a massive flame, it might lag the fuck out of people with weak Pcs
I should really find a clan.
you think changing colours will lag peoples computers?
you must live in Ethiopia or something
If you're suggesting gif textures, no thanks. Joint textures themselves are already annoyingly used, gif textures will be awful to look at.
Pushing powder down my musket so I may smite another opp.
I put a switch and a beam on my blunderbuss, your hood is not safe.
Id rather see something like a Randomised Force and Relax.

Every Joints color is diffrent every turn or every game and the only colors that are available are the onces that already exist
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Originally Posted by fastmove View Post
Id rather see something like a Randomised Force and Relax.

Every Joints color is diffrent every turn or every game and the only colors that are available are the onces that already exist

That's what I thought OP meant
having joints that constantly changed colours would be extremely distracting, annoying, and generally a pain to look at. If you want joints that are multiple colours, we already have joint textures for that. And as mwah said, gif textures would be a big no because again they would be hella annoying.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
as abyss said looking at the joints would be annoying as hell and plus a force or a relax that changes colors wont match any art set/head so it just a waste of tc

Originally Posted by fastmove View Post
Id rather see something like a Randomised Force and Relax.

Every Joints color is diffrent every turn or every game and the only colors that are available are the onces that already exist

Originally Posted by Roller408 View Post
fastmove thats what i was thinking but i may have worded it wrong

Try reading this first, guys. He's not asking for a joint that constantly changes color while you're playing. He's asking for a joint that changes color every match. I don't see how that would be annoying.

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me, although it'd probably not be used by people with sets.
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<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.