Original Post
A question about organisations.
First off let me appologize if I posted this in the wrong section.

If you have seen me around you may know that myself and blotto are in the procces of starting a clan named OLDA. This is a very slow moving process though, and as time go's by im thinking of collapsing the clan and starting an org with the same basic intentions (to provide a place for older players to mett up and talk).

Anyways I was wondering if anyone could help me by explaining what (if any) are the stipulations to starting an organization. Is it like clans where you need a certian amount of T.C.'s, or can you just start one?

Any help would be apreciated.

Organisation of Awesome: Member.
You can pretty much just start one. No restrictions yet, that I can think of.
As long as it has a good focus, and plenty of members, it should be fine.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
No fee to make one.

Organizations are basically a clan, but they do not wear tags, or meet up in game for tournaments, etc.

Edit: Sam you bitch. You beat me.
Church of BnW