About me;My name is Brandon lewis, I am 18 years old have a full time job as a food processer while residing in NJ GMT-5
Activity;I play everyday after work in betting server's,I have a good attitude, also I can defeat most opponents no matter their skill level.
Why should i join AS;I feel I would be good in clan wars because I do excellent under pressure,I can take down the toughest of foes.
Background information; Ive been addicted to video game's ever since I could hold a video game controller.If it involes competition<im always involved.The call of duty franchise is my favorite series of all time with BO2 taking the cake for me.I began plying competitve wager matches in 2015 and am fairly consistent with my wins thus, joining a competitve cod team.
Thank you for your time
yours truly,miiniman

Council Moderated Message:
PM one of the leaders for the reason.
Last edited by Mafi; Mar 15, 2018 at 05:13 PM.
Dont be nosey