Kay, im out of this topic, My brain started to burn
Also, its time to go bed
u wot m8
Eh yea I forgot
"Third world problem"
Sleep is for the weak
>implying ga bangun jam 4 sore
Sleep is for the weak?
Kay, I have a challenge for you, its simple:
Dont sleep for a week, even just for 1 second

Can you do that mr.strong
u wot m8
2 hari, waktu itu temen lagi nginep (3 anak nginep),yang tidur cuma satu,yang lain maksa gw supaya gak tidur, gw turutin, gw bikin kopi dua gelas, pagi nya mo nyoba tidur ,sama sekali gak bisa
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
It's almost impossible.
FYI, bengong bisa dikategorikan sebagai tidur.

How so?
Because we lost consciousness?
Killjoys, make some noise!
Originally Posted by Sniper View Post
Mungkin karena otak kita berhenti bekerja sesaat


these fam are unforgettable for sure

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