Original Post
Zip-Line (Requested mod)
PlayerID666 suggested this mod and this is what i came up with =/

unforionatly, i had to use no friction to make the pole side, but the idea is you slide down the poles and kick the other guy...

Mod Settings:
engage distance: 3000
engage height: 375
Attached Files
ZipLine.tbm (2.9 KB, 189 views)
Last edited by MrPoptart; Oct 29, 2007 at 12:06 PM.
this isnt rly what i thought when i heard zip line,

i think it would be better with one line, and hold onto both sides of the bar with the line going through the middle.

cool mod anyways. =)
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
i tried that and it kept beheading me >.>

If you want to stop beheading yourself try making it on line but with the bar going across and two handles coming down like this:

| |

The line can go through the middle.
Hope that works!