Original Post
[R]Full 512 Set 550k
Morning all. I bought myself all those lovely, lovely 512 textures and now need a texture set that truly takes advantage of the potential of these items. Or something like that.

Style: Anything that isn't Emo/Humanoid (if it is exceptionally good then I may make and exception).
Colours: Again not too fussed. If it is going to have black, then make more Demon than Void.

Everything MUST be in 512. If it isn't then I won't consider it, at all.

I don't really mind C/P but try your hardest to limit the amount you have.

If you have any queries at all then feel to PM me or post here.

Oh and although I doubt this will be an issue, but no premade sets at all.

EDIT: Due to the nature of this request (i.e. very high price) this may take a few weeks before I decide.

Away until July 11th. Please continue work, but understand that I won't able to respond until that time.
Last edited by FazZa; Jun 20, 2010 at 03:15 AM.
no humanoid?
any examples as to what you like?
tribal? ukeish?

havnt made a decent tribal in ages, quite keen
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-