Original Post
Flying Knee Breaker
My fourth move, where you break his knees off with a big kick.

Hold All

Relax Chest, Lumbar, Abs, and Both Hips

Space x 13

Hold Chest, Lumbar, and Abs

Extend Both Hips

Contract Both Pecs

Raise Both Shoulders

Grabby Hands

Space x 2

Contract Both Hips, and Both Knees

Space x 1

Lower Both Shoulders

Space x 2

Extend Both Knees

Press Space once and you should kick both his legs off. Tell me what you think

Re: Flying Knee Breaker
great! I rate this 96/ 100!

Also, if you thought out this move as a newbie, you are considered an expierienced user, as most newbies started out manipulating the joints, then, when they get more adept at this things, things for uke started to go very very wrong!