consider that i joined this forum when i was 14 and that i am 25 now

that is a lot of time for cringeworthy shit

Much like Terty up there, all you've got to do is look through my early post history. You do so at your own risk. :V (thankfully my posts from the first wibbles are gone, and good fucking riddance i say)
But besides that, before i even got on to any forums, <13 year old me would sometimes find himself on MMO's. I did the whole gig; beg for money, get insulted when people told me they're not piggybanks, get mega butthurt when one dude publicly announced that i was a beggar (honestly i can't blame him today), loudly proclaim "HI I'M FROM DENMARK" to everyone, ask people to guess my age (they were usually nice and guessed higher than 12) and so on and so forth. It... It wasn't pretty. Not the most prideful time of my life, now that i look back, and for the record, this was in the MILDER end of the full extent of my cringe spectrum. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol