Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
There are far more healthier foods besides meat that we can digest, which are less harmful to our bodies. I'm vegetarian/peskitarian myself, my diet excludes land animals and birds but I still eat fish due to the protein.

That's a lot like my mom's diet.
I'm not so sure how I can exclude other meats from my diet though. I've thought about it, but I don't know how to actually go about it. (Thinking of going pescitarian.)
Last edited by bbush; Sep 24, 2012 at 02:17 AM.
bbush, no! It's not the same type of protein with the same amino acids in the vegan food, it's not as usable, you know. Many people obtain this protein from meet, dairy and stuff. I'm not sure about protein shakes, but I think, they based on whey, which is some sort of dairy.

So yeah. I don't know any sportsman who's totally vegan - no dairy, no eggs, no anything, just pure green food. Oh, except, there was this natural runner, claimed to be vegan or something. Or just vegetarian? But he was pretty good, but still not really popular, nobody keeps track of him and like - maybe he's cheating? Maybe he's even on drugs. Long running is seriously over-the top human body modification.

It was the guy who listened to, pp... Phantogram, the hipster pop group... at least back in 2011, when it was still fresh.
Eh, I personally dislike veganism. Humans are engineered to eat meat and fruit (We also used to eat grass, but we can't anymore), but dairy and wheat aren't so bad. So I see veganism as unnatural. And I'd be damned if all I had to eat were leaves.
to the vegan stuff : it doesnt make your life longer anyhow.
youre missing vitamines that you can only gain from animal-produced food.
many vegans have a disease of vitamin E and iron.
there is only one "real" way to be healhy.
humans are build to eat meat AND vegetables. the main source of energy is, and will forever be, meat. but sure, there some vitamines you can not gain with meat.
vegetables are supposed to be a supplement, not to replace something.
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I think you should eat healthy and practice sports! In this way you'll be in a good physical form and live a longer and more colourfull life) Good luck!
Originally Posted by mOOgLLe View Post
I think you should eat healthy and practice sports! In this way you'll be in a good physical form and live a longer and more colourfull life) Good luck!

Care to be more descriptive? Since we all kind of slammed a book in his face and what not...
Originally Posted by NormalCitizen View Post
Eh, I personally dislike veganism. Humans are engineered to eat meat and fruit (We also used to eat grass, but we can't anymore), but dairy and wheat aren't so bad. So I see veganism as unnatural. And I'd be damned if all I had to eat were leaves.

And where exactly did you get that information? I agree that veganism isn't as healthy as most diets, but stating that we were born to eat meat is false.

Humans can choose to be carnivores or herbivores because we can derive benefits from either. bbush, if you can adjust to a meatless diet and want to, go for it. It's your choice.
I have asked this question to a few friends already, but most say the same thing. That people were originally hunters and ate meat...I'm not entirely sure if this is true. But regardless couldn't you get the vital minerals/ vitamins in other foods and/or supplements? Just a thought.

Why would you care so much about getting the vitams / iron from your food, if you can buy these very dense pieces. I tell you, it's really a lot of vitamins there!
And then there is also the mineral pack (this is mostly vitamins), Omega pack and so on.

I sometimes wonder, maybe bodybuilding would even be healthy, if they wound't try to kill themselves with weights and wouldn't live not-so healthy in their free time.
Last edited by 5brickbomzh; Sep 24, 2012 at 11:10 PM.