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Members of my school board are lobbying against biology text books.
So, some people in the local government claim that bio text books that teach evolution are insensitive to some beliefs. They claim that the students should be able to make their own choice, so they lobbied against updating the biology text books to versions that include a chapter on evolution.

What are your opinions on this subject? Not whether or not you believe God created the earth, just where you stand on sensitivity and people's beliefs. I personally believe that since evolution is widely accepted as mainstream science, that it should be taught.
I find that very very stupid. Teaching kids a theory, which the entire science is generally based off of isn't wrong, no matter how intensive it is. Biology more or less the product of abiogenesis and evolution.
I seriously believe that there is a god in the universe, but I still believe in evolution...
I think that the schools should ask the students what they believe and base what they teach off of that.
morons, if what you say is true then they are truly morons.
evolution is not restricted to the "monkey into man" theory or the "amoeba into frog"

evolution has been recognized in the past 100 years, in several places with undeniable proof, specific endangered birds were stuck on an island off the coast in the 1950's and the birds that live there are noticeably different than the mainland variety, because the bird has adapted on the island environment.

but of course you will never learn about those things if these Bio book get taken away

also, bio class is educating for college/University etc.. and there they do not take away educational material because of political correctness.

btw strong Christian beliefs held here
I type as I speak, with several commas and run on sentences, dont be hatin'.
i think.that it doesnt matter if its sensitive or not it should be taught because there is more proof of the "big ban theory" then some old man with a beard.. that apperantly can make water bend so his people can cross the sea. yeah right...

no desrespect to belivers.
Last edited by yura101; Dec 11, 2010 at 11:56 AM.
Evolution of man is necessary. Other discover man evolve from ape. I don't know how it has the truth bring but I know we are all creatures by God.
Last edited by suomynona; Dec 11, 2010 at 05:38 PM.
*sigh* another one... As far as I know some religions don't mind the evolution theory and agree with it, others don't. So if the evolution theory is proven true it doesn't necessarily mean there is no God, if it ends up being false it doesn't necessarily mean there is a God. So let's try and keep religion out of this one.

As far as evolution goes I myself think there are too many gaps in the theory at this point in time to say 'surely that is how it must be'. Yes animals can adapt to their environments - I question the degree to which they can adapt. As such, if evolution is taught in schools I think it should be emphasized that it's only a theory AND the problems with it should be within the curriculum as well. So the kiddos should study why some believe it, what has actually been found, where the theories and links stem from, what the gaps and problems within it are and it should be done in an unbiased manner. That would be too big a chapter then, not to mention the fact that the unbiased part would be hard for some to implement, so keep it out of schools. Rather have kids study things they can actually study, the things around us today, than branch out into a field which is still too theoretical. If they are interested in it they can study it themselves or in their spare time or after school etc etc

@yura101 - water can be 'bent' with wind (I believe it's called wind setdown). Try not to make statements about things you don't know much about - you only look foolish.
If they think that teaching biology under a secularist normative is insensitive to the various religious standpoints, then they might as well stop knocking at my door to try and push Jesus, Jehovah or Joseph Smith. I find that insensitive to my agnostic atheism standpoints too. Plus they keep waking me up in the fucking morning.
You know what I also find insensitive? The Christianity (or any other religious cult) bullying over little children who never had the chance to make a choice in the first place, forced to comply and be baptized under the flag of a Christian education.

If they can't stomach a fucking secularist view that is actually well supported by proof, then something is really wrong in this damn world.

Edit: I ain't joking, oh the irony, I just received two Jeovah's Witnesses knocking at my door. I guess I need to start lobbying against them, heh?
Last edited by GenkiSudo; Dec 11, 2010 at 04:57 PM.
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi
The theory of evolution isn't of a theory trying to prove that we did evolve. We did, it's a fact. The theory itself attempts to explain when and where and from what we all evolved from. This, like many others of a similar case, is just another example of the stress that those who hold religious beliefs are feeling in terms of the credibility of their religion and of their sanity in the opened eyes of society. In this day and age atheists or anti-theists are far more outspoken and are now afforded the ability to openly be a disbeliever and not suffer the usually punishment of death which was handed out by those of religious faith. I think this is an absolute disgrace and is furthermore an attempt at slowing the rate at which these religions fall. Not only is it impossible to rationally and unembarrassingly defend religion, but it is also a ridiculous notion that students need to continue to hear fairytales about the misadventures of a magical sky father who for no apparent reason decided that everything would just be.

tl;dr totally predictable and cliche, just throw a few of those curly debate winning questions and they'll shut the fuck up.

Examples: Why does God give AIDS to children?
Why is it that God created people who were non-believers and therefore were made for hell?
Why do we wear clothes out of shame when it is said in the bible that we are made of God? Are Christians ashamed of the God they pray to?

After they fail to logically answer any of these questions you may then ask:
Why is it that you wish to set back human kind for another 2000 years by force feeding the youths of today the same story from over 2000 years ago which was written by people who believed the Earth was flat and the sun was magic?

If they answer any of these questions with a legitimate answer then please let me know, otherwise enjoy having your REAL SCIENCE textbooks.
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
Examples: Why does God give AIDS to children?
Why is it that God created people who were non-believers and therefore were made for hell?
Why do we wear clothes out of shame when it is said in the bible that we are made of God? Are Christians ashamed of the God they pray to?

Why didn't we all born in heaven already?
"There is enough on earth for everybody's need, but not for everyone's greed." - Mohandas Gandhi