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[Gamer's Inc.] - IRC

The official IRC Channel is here!

You can now interact with the majority of gamers, on our channel.

If you do not have a client I suggest you download xChat or Chatzilla.
-Chatzilla recommended for those who use Mozilla Firefox since it's an add-on.

Additionaly, I'd like to inform everyone that I'm not looking for any IRC operators in our channel. And I kindly request you to stop messaging me. Odds are, I'll handpick my pals for the job.

~Use this thread to talk about the IRC, issues, queries operator spots etc.

xChat tutorial below.
Last edited by list; Jun 6, 2014 at 08:47 AM.
. . .
list0 on Discord, reach out for inquiries.
Or send me a private message, I'm responsive.

[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
[Gamer's Inc.] - IRC
xChat Tutorial.

1. Download xChat from here.(For windows.)

2. Install and run xChat. You'll see the network list. Now click on the "Add+" button. And name it anything you like.

3.Click on Edit and you'll see something like this:

Now, rename the "newserver/6667" to exactly "irc.toribash.com".

4. Add your desired information and make sure you tick "Connect to network on startup".

You're good to go.

Now here are a few commands to get you started:

To register your nickname: /nickserv REGISTER nickname password
You will need a registered username to be an auto operator in channels.

To identify your password: /nickserv IDENTIFY password
Simply avoid this by filling the "Nickserv Password." with your password.

To register your own channel: /chanserv REGISTER #channel password description

/join #channel -- Makes you join channels
/op name -- Gives Operator status to 'name'
/kick name reason -- Removes user from channel.
/ban name -- Bans and mutes the user from the channel.
/msg name or /query name -- What you want to say -- Starts query with 'name'

A little bit on the advanced side:

Channel modes:

What are 'channel modes'?

Channel modes are modes which Operators can set. With them you can change settings of channel(s).
You use modes by setting them with '/mode' command.

Example: "/mode +h cake" would give 'cake' mode +h (which stands for Half-Operator).

Let's break that command down:

/mode -- Command to set modes.
+/- -- +h means that cake was given Half-Op status. -h would mean that it was taken from him.

List of usefull channel modes:

ChanServ allows you to register and control various aspects of channels. ChanServ can often prevent malicious users from "taking over" channels by limiting who is allowed channel operator privileges.
These are the available commands of ChanServ:[/CENTER]

- REGISTER: Register a channel. (/msg chanserv register [channel here] [channel's password here] [description of the channel here]).
- IDENTIFY: Register yourself with a password. (/msg chanserv indentify [channel here] [channel's password here]).
- SET: Set channel options and information. (/msg chanserv [channel here] [option here] [parameters here]).
- SOP: Add users to auto "&". (/msg chanserv sop [channel here] add [username here]).
- AOP: Add users to auto "@". (/msg chanserv aop [channel here] add [username here]).
- HOP: Add users to auto "%". (/msg chanserv hop [channel here] add [username here]).
- VOP: Add users to auto "+". (/msg chanserv vop [channel here] add [username here]).
- AKICK: Give an auto-kick to someone. (/msg chanserv akick [channel here] {ADD | STICK | UNSTICK | DEL | LIST | VIEW | ENFORCE | CLEAR} [nick here] [reason]).
- DROP: The channel will no longer be a registered channel. (/msg chanserv drop [channel here]).
- SENDPASS: Help retrieve lost passwords. (/msg chanserv sendpass [channel here]).
- BAN: Ban an specific user on a channel. (/msg chanserv ban [channel here] [username here]).
- UNBAN: Unban an specific user on a channel. (/msg chanserv unban [channel here] [username here]).
- CLEAR: Clears certain things on a channel. (/msg chanserv [channel] [word you want to clear/delete here]).
- OWNER: Gives you owner status on a channel, "~". (/msg chanserv owner [channel here] [username here]).
- DEOWNER: Removes your owner status on a channel. (/msg chanserv deowner [channel here] [username here]).
- PROTECT: Protects a selected nick on a channel, "&". (/msg chanserv protect [channel here] [username here]).
- DEPROTECT: Deprotects a selected nick on a channel. (/msg chanserv deprotect [channel here] [username here]).
- OP: Gives op status to a selected nick on a channel, "@". (/msg chanserv op [channel here] [username here]).
- DEOP: Deops a selected nick on a channel. (/msg chanserv deop [channel here] [username here]).
- HALFOP: Halfops a selected nick on a channel, "%". (/msg chanserv halfop [channel here] [username here]).
The "~", "&", "@" and "%" symbols are used to denote a level of power within a channel:
Channel Owner "~" (+q): Can edited owner level settings of the channel.
Protected User "&" (+a): Can't be deop'ed by OPs.
Channel Operator (OP) "@" (+o): Can kick, ban, and set OP level modes on the channel, and set OP's.
Half Operator (HalfOP) "%" (+h): Can kick, ban and set very few channel modes, can't set user mode +h, but can set +v.
Voiced User "+" (+v): Will be able to talk if banned or muted.

NickServ allows you to register a nickname and prevent others from using it. The following commands allow for registration and maintenance of nicknames.
These are the available commands of NickServ

- REGISTER: Register a nickname (/msg nickserv register [password here] [e-mail here]).
- IDENTIFY: Indentify yourself with your password(/msg nickserv identify [the password you used for registration here]).
- SET: Helps you set your nick's options. (i.e: /msg nickserv set password [the new password you want to add]).
- DROP: The nickname will no longer be a registered nickname. (/msg nickserv drop [username here]).
- RECOVER: Kill another user who has taken your nick. (/msg nickserv recover [username here]).
- RELEASE: Regain custody of your nickname after recovering it. (/msg nickserv release [username here] [password here]).
- SENDPASS: Forgot your password? Try this. (/msg nickserv sendpass [username here]).
- ALIST: List channels you have access on. (/msg nickserv alist [channel here]).
- INFO: Displays information about a given nickname. (/msg nickserv info [username here]).
- STATUS: Returns the owner status of the given nickname. (/msg nickserv status [username here]).

IRC Etiquette

On IRC, you come into contact with many different people, with many different views. IRC isn't a place to spam, or flame. It is a place for civilized discussion.

On IRC you should:

1.)Speak clearly
2.)Be polite
3.)Use grammar
4.)Spell correctly
5.)Have respect for others and, especially, ops
6.)Be generally nice

On IRC you should NOT:
3.)Act like a retard
4.)Disrespect ANYONE

Thanks to Cake, Jarmund and Dargon
Last edited by list; Jun 6, 2014 at 12:01 PM.
Originally Posted by CaKe View Post
('+' means that you turn it on and '-' means that you turn it off.)

Nice tutorial, really well made.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
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