I dreamed that I was driving a hippie van and I kinda fell of a cliff, landed on a pool, drove off like a boss, flew threw the air, ate a burger and landed on a really big milf... Uhm... I think my pillow is made of pot >.>
Anyways, let's go to a topic where everyone can relate to.

What's the scariest thing you have done or someone has done to you?

For me is when I was chillin in my room then suddenly my door opens slightly and I see a silhouette of a tall guy from it... I was the only one at home then. And because I'm brave as f*ck I stood up and proceeded to the door after it closed. When I pulled the door open there was nothing but my cat sitting on the old style juke box looking at me... straight in the eye. Wasn't able to move for 3 mins >.>
Last edited by Gotkicks2; Aug 5, 2012 at 04:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Probably when I came home from the beach at around 4pm some week ago.
My brother was away for a few days and my parents where working.
There was a white van in the parkinglot. So I went around the house looking through the windows. When I came to my brothers room I saw a man sitting there. The sun was shining so I couldnt see his face. He saw me though and jumped up from the chair. I fliched back and saw his face. It was my father ._.
He was ranting the van cause his car was in for repairs.
My dad waking me up with a chainsaw :/
He got inspiration from a home video in which a father woke up his two sons with a chainsaw and a mask. Poor guys watched Texas Chainsaw massacre the night before xD. So yea, dads >.>
well one time my cousin was coming back from school (i was already home) and i made a water baloon, hide behind a door and he opened the door and i slapped the baloon in his head and my cousing freaked out and started running and he fell on the stairs... luckly he didnt got hurt
also today i was reading scary urban legends and freaked out becouse of this:
Last edited by Dzajko56; Aug 5, 2012 at 06:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
The sites name is "scaryforkids" D:
Better watch out xd
No seriulsy I won't read that. I freak out to easy.
Read it anyway.
Wasn't scary :|
Last edited by jisse; Aug 5, 2012 at 09:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Not to sound weak, but I wish we could fill our [Hunters] Forums with some "happy" stuff. Just my opinion.
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!
my scariest moment was when I was a little kid and my brother and I were playing the mummy returns and right when a mummy was bitting the hell out of our explorer (which looked pretty scary for a little kid), my uncle scared us from our back yard from that day i always felt someone was watching me.
I like how you guys ignored how Wannin wanted to see happy thoughts.

One more scary thing I did is where we do a unique choke on a human being and they collapse temporarily, in my case, it was my classmate, we did this just for fun. We knew it was safe so we did it when he was halfway to passing out he opened his bloodshot eyes and joked the hell out of my classmate who was trying to make him passout. It was hilarious after some seconds. xD But when we saw him choking our classmate with bloodshot eyes, we were about to hit him with a chair at the back of the head. Lucky for him he woke up xD
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
That made me remember when I was practicing TaeKwonDo.
Our teacher wanted us to practice the slam-down and the locks(keep the enemy unable to move) and my partner grabbed my shirt and arm and slammed me down on the floor so hard all the air in my lungs rushed out. And then, he used the "sit-on" lock. I was unable to breath for a 5 seconds with absolutely no air in my lungs. Thought I would die :P
Member of [Hunters]
Best Clan Ever!