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How to get Void?
I wanted to buy a new set of items, but the relax and force colors I wanted says "Cannot buy this item" I don't know if it means you can't buy it with TC right now, but I really wanted to get a Void force. And yes, I was going to pay with money.
I'd guess it's because you lack the required amount of QI to purchase it, which is: 20,000 QI

If you'd want to buy it No-QI it would cost around 200k+ in the market, but as far as I know it's out of stock.

I have a pure force, which is 10,000 QI... Bought for 190k No-QI.
It cost 50$ for 10k Qi doesn't it? Thats a pretty good deal seen It takes usually over a year to get to custom belt.
1 QI is 15,000,000TC as far as I know if buying with TC.
I guess it's because admins don't want people to buy it to make it a fair play in a way.
But I would rather recommend you to change your mind and uy something else. I really want pure and void as well but simply can't afford it. Hopefully, I wil get non-qi pure force soon. And trust me, you don't want to play with a custom belt with skills of a blue one.
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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Same here garry, you should just keep playing, and by that you'll get the required qi, and you'll realize that you won't be needing to buy it with money because you have enough tc and qi, you'll have the skills, you'll have what you want :3
I wuv wuffles :3