the opener was pretty short, but it was nice, I guess
the start of the manip was good, but it was short
decap is nice
and everything else is pretty cool
Send me all your tc
fanboy was aight

opener was good and normal up until like frame 360 because you lost a whole lot of momentum due to ur left hand hitting the leg

if u meant for it to be a hit u could have maybe contracted the elbow and raised the shoulder on impact or if you wanted it to miss you could have lowered the shoulder and contracted the elbow but u kind of did neither and I cant tell if u wanted it to miss or hit so it looks lazy and unnecessary

the jump after u lose all of ur momentum looked kind of dumb but that's because ur abs were extended/held/relaxed when you jumped, would have looked better and maybe got u more momentum if you kept them contracted imo

after the back kick at frame 300 the replay got normal and ok again

not much to say about the rest rly
movement was good but not outstanding
decap wasn't too interesting but if decap manips r ur thing then that's ok too

ur momentum has big inconsistencies and it makes the replay feel a little off