Original Post
[Tex]Pure/Demon TigerLion


Program used: Gimp

Size: 512 (Like others i work on the head in 1024x512 then resize it)
Last edited by LackOfPower; Jul 19, 2016 at 03:03 PM. Reason: Was tired and forgot a lot, my bad
I've added the tag for you. Please remember to add it on your next threads.

Your thread is also missing a lot of information. Please read/re-read the art board rules so you remember what you must add.

If you don't add the information required in the next 24 hours this thread will be closed.

Have a good day.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Updated my thread with the proper information, thanks Nagato. I was kinda tired and just wanted to get something out for CnC

Well. Nice idea. You have the colors right and all that . . .

Why are you using chalk for the stripes doh? The tiger should have stripes coming up and down the face and cheeks, like a real
tiger. Make the whiskers a little higher and try to put a little tiger mouth there, perhaps even showing some teeth!

Anyway, you have a lot of work to do, so keep going through the ink and paint options to find the proper stroke for your art. Also, you don't need to resize a head from 1024 x 512. It will work either way.

Keep at it!
Last edited by FruitCandy; Jul 19, 2016 at 07:36 PM.
Im a lazy artist. I'll most likely just make random wips when I do get on gimp if anyone wants the flats i'll most likely give it to them
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.