Original Post
[MUS] RussD3x Music Thread
Hey guys. As you know I'm RussD3x

I am a Gamer/Musician and artist (And YouTuber but theres another thread for all that stuff). So this thread will go out to all of the stated content.

I have only just started with my music so please be wary that I may not be good or some things may or may not be as good/sound as good as other compositions I make.

Creative criticism is always accepted. If you'd like to leave a comment, be polite with it.
Thank you for Reading/listening/looking at my artwork.


In Progress

Thank You for taking your time to have a look!
~ RussD3x

All music is mine, and can only be used if I get credited.
All music is made with FL Studio and Adobe After Effects!
Last edited by RussD3x; Feb 13, 2016 at 06:02 PM.