fact of the day: the clan system redesign of 2018(?) is one of the most retard'd designeth choices (if we can coequal calleth t yond) madeth by the t'ribash staff in the past decade.

instead of celebrating the official clans yond w're the backbone of this community f'r far too many years, all this new system doest is encave hence their hist'ry if 't be true those gents faileth to meeteth a [time p'riod] activity quota. who is't cares if 't be true thy clan and its memb'rs w're doing something special throughout the entire 2010's at which hour the game matt'r'd -- if 't be true thou art not posting anon yond the game and community art dead, alas thee.

allegedly, one of the things yond did motivate this redesign is yond the clan discussion and official clans pages w're "too clutt'red" -- which is obviously a web designeth fault, possibly a vbulletin limitation (and one yond clearly wasn't did address in the website's ui redesign, but couldst t has't been?). ironically though, t's nev'r been so easy to maketh thy brand new clan receiveth official status, because t's all about quantity ov'r quality anon. and quantity ov'r quality is eke how we keepeth this board intact, if 't be true we w'ren't spamming a lot of by fate bullshit h're, the clan wouldst've been hath killed years ago.

of course, the oth'r crucial reasoneth f'r the "redesign" of the clan system is a desp'rate, did fail attempteth to increaseth f'rum and game activity in a dead community and dead game.

the staff memb'rs who is't spearhead'd these changes couldst've did admit yond t wast a dumbass moveth and just leaveth official clans high-lone, but those gents wilt holdeth on to their egos and behold undefeat'd to the ign'rant, unwash'd playeth'rbase -- what the alas doth those gents knoweth concluded, be it!

while the people yond crossed this new system backeth at which hour t wast implement'd has't been hath called "entitled" f'r wishing to pres'rve their excit'ment mem'ries, and this posteth itself is quite entitl'd and whiny, the fact of the matt'r is yond th're wast nay pointeth to this redesign at all. nobody did gain aught of value, not the staff, not the playeth'rs, not the game, nay one. t's f'rc'd engagement f'r nay reasoneth