Original Post
Other Games
I was just wondering what other games you guys played so that we could play things other than TB together.

I have xbox live and i play tf2 on the comp, sometimes LoL
Proud Officer of VorteX
Got 360 too but It hurt my ass paying 13 euro to get One stupid month of online gaming.
Atm I'm playing Jedi Knight 3 : jedi academy on comp =)
Grand Overseer of VorteX
I got 360 too, its really ghetto tho it broke and i fixed it... i play halo, modern warfare 2, red dead redemption and thats about it
_Proud Member of VorteX_
umm heavies are op as hell. They run faster while spinning and their spin charge up time is 50% shorter.
Engie update! came out like yesterday, so i dont know too much about it.

Other than that not much, crafting if you didnt know about it then a new Interface for it, might look weird at first but you get used to it haha
Proud Officer of VorteX