He looks kinda nice... Except for the gun :3
:) "We are happy that Vox is gone = Corrupt and Abusive. He Deserves it." -Toribash Community
This... actually makes me kinda sad :< lol
But to be serious, imo, he's as bad as all the other politicians in the world. The only difference is that he has been chosen to be the "bad" and "scary" one...
Someone kills people and says that it was on purpose, others do it and say that it was a "mistake" or just keep it in a secret.
Buut... He didn't affect me like... at all, so I can't really judge...
Edit: we should be waiting a new wave of terrorism now...
Last edited by Arthur; May 2, 2011 at 07:04 PM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Yes they killed usama, they burried him properly to the muslum turdistion, none of the muslums are mad. But usama wasint even the mastermind, he was just the person who gave the person who was creating these ideas money to do such a thing, this person will just step up, and then we will spend 10 years finding HIS dumbas.

Also i think its Osama
Last edited by RAWWRH; May 2, 2011 at 10:04 PM.
Not sure if it's Usama, or

And he was a bad person. Yes like many politicians.

And the raid happened in Pakistan when the CIA Loaned a team of SEAL (Hell yeah) and they came in kicked ass, and came out, No casualties for us.