Original Post
[REL]Quick Buttons!
I know this has probably been done before, but who honestly looks past page 2?

Introducing, Quick Buttons! This simplifies many common functions to the push of a button! Also, this is the first script that I have made entirely from scratch on my own! ^_^

Press "." in-game to see the list of commands.

NEW UPDATE! MUST DO THIS FOR IT TO WORK! YOU MUST REPLACE YOUR_NAME_HERE AND YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE WITH YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD! The new update combines my ideas from AFK Alerter with an easy button script so that my plan of making the AFK Alerter being a default function can be more easily accomplished.

local function keydown(key)
		if(key == 105) then
				run_cmd("lo (AFK)your_name_here your_password_here") --For this to work right, replace "your_name_here" and "your_password_here"  with your FULL username (tags and all) , space, and then your password. Don't lend this script to someone!
		if(key == 111) then
				run_cmd("lo your_name_here your_password_here") -- For this to work aswell, you must replace "your_name_here" and "your_password_here" with your name and password.
Attached Files
quickbuttons.lua (1.5 KB, 149 views)
Last edited by SrgtCorn; Aug 1, 2008 at 01:01 AM.
What do I do to make it work?
Do I rename it or put it somewhere special?

I didn't rename it and I put it in the toribash directory
Originally Posted by Sanex View Post
What do I do to make it work?
Do I rename it or put it somewhere special?

I didn't rename it and I put it in the toribash directory

You have to save it in scripts.

ToriBash 3.32 > data > scripts
Originally Posted by MasterPpv View Post
Very nice script! Again you have shown us your scripting prowess!

Thank you! =D

I still have much to learn, though, but I'm slowly getting better!

Also, I'll try to add more functions soon.
Originally Posted by H4rl3quin View Post
Your scripts are all awesome. good job.

Thank you! ^_^ I try hard.

Also, I will accept any suggestions of new buttons!
Last edited by SrgtCorn; Jul 28, 2008 at 09:12 PM.
New updates! redownload!

I added some more buttons that are useful. They are: recconect, clear chat, and view help options. To see the controls, press "." in-game and directions should pop up. Enjoy!