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Does actually anime "affect" people?
I am curious about it.
I got a friend who actually finished all series of an anime called "Hellsing"
Was awesome series,we both finished them.
But after finishing them after 3 days he starting to acting weird.
He actually started to searching for skull images,pentagrams,demons and blood.
He also stopped listening hip hop and started into metal music.
He also wants to buy a katana,he bought one.
But thank god that this series does not affected he's instinct.
Cause you know that gore can affect kids.
Me? no i am fine it did not affected me. i am that i am currently.
I really liked this anime.

By the way i am 17 and my friend is 15
It depends on your maturity level. Your friend, being younger, is less mature than you. He feels as though he will be cool if he acts like the characters. Kid's are easily influenced into doing things they wouldn't normally do. You are older than your friend, so you're mature enough to realize it is just a comic.
15 years old, huh?

Might be a faze he is going through. I lost all hope in techno a LOOOONG time ago, and started listening to metal and rock.

Also, he might just be in that rebellious stage. I'm sure you went through it once, no?
Fonzie be with you.
Originally Posted by Hybucci View Post
It depends on your maturity level. Your friend, being younger, is less mature than you. He feels as though he will be cool if he acts like the characters. Kid's are easily influenced into doing things they wouldn't normally do. You are older than your friend, so you're mature enough to realize it is just a comic.

You are right.
Intelligence does not compare between us.
But i hope he knows what does he doing,there is some limits on life.
Just keep an eye on him. Talk to him if he starts to get out of hand. Make sure he doesn't get into things he shouldn't and give it time. Like DejaVu said, it is just a phase. He will more than likely grow out of it.
When I started to watch FLCL, that sort of channeled all my angst into a virtual acid trip and I really felt empowered by it.

Gave me some more self confidence.

Originally Posted by Hybucci View Post
It depends on your maturity level. Your friend, being younger, is less mature than you. He feels as though he will be cool if he acts like the characters. Kid's are easily influenced into doing things they wouldn't normally do. You are older than your friend, so you're mature enough to realize it is just a comic.

Maturity != Age

It's probably just a phase/mania.
I tried to learn alchemy after finishing full metal alchemist. >____>

I failed.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
Originally Posted by Mosier View Post
I tried to learn alchemy after finishing full metal alchemist. >____>

I failed.

I lol'd.

Also, it's not only anime. This happens with movies too.
Originally Posted by Hybucci View Post
It depends on your maturity level. Your friend, being younger, is less mature than you. He feels as though he will be cool if he acts like the characters. Kid's are easily influenced into doing things they wouldn't normally do. You are older than your friend, so you're mature enough to realize it is just a comic.

15 year olds are able to tell whether or not something is real or not.

17 is not much more mature than 15 either.

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