Original Post
[C]lan picture
hello fellas, I have noticed that i have been leeching of this clan recently, so i am making a clan picture for [Evil] please post here with your pose, IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE IN THE PICTURE make sure you say so. Yes, i am including Xtreme in this. even though he claims to be leaving, I still see him as a great poster boy fo Evil. and he is a good mate

BTW, why don't you guys give me some shader ideas
Can i just give you a replay and let you stop it at the pose. Press f8 and well thats all?
Last edited by marccod; Aug 2, 2010 at 08:12 AM.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
To screenshot, press F8. Just make a pose and press F8.

My pic:

Epic pose!
Last edited by Vaati; Aug 2, 2010 at 05:12 AM.
replays | some club for me
11:41 - Larfen: Weed is tight
I wouldn't recommend using shaders, it would look weird in the clan pic.
replays | some club for me
11:41 - Larfen: Weed is tight
i WOULD recomend shaders, but whaterver floats yo boats

shaders isn't as pixelated

aight, just send me some pics of your poses, if not, i will make some for those who DONT send me sum pics of their poses
Vaati i dont know how to post screenshots HOW

Sorrow you should have taken the ghost off first and i think he wants the hole tori?
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!