Who am i as a person: i am a high school student and i am 16 years old
Who am i as in toribash: i do Parkouring and sparing (tricking sometimes) but mainly parkour i have playd this game for 2 years and i want to get better at beeing a better pk:er and a sparrer
what other skills do i have other then toribash: i really don't know what i am good at my self other then toribash i was never good at Judgin my self as a person
other clans that i have been in: By and Youporn
Why do i want to join the Chiverly: i want to join chiv becouse PAIKOr is there and i have heard that its a good clan at warring i whoud like to be part of it and have a fun time
(p.s i am in you'r skype and i can talk on skype but if thats necesery and i have been in many con con videos ;) )

s the last is optional hope you enjoy it
Attached Files
[S] [weapon] Yoloshow.rpl (1.41 MB, 4 views)
[PK] [Jisse] Yoloshow.rpl (772.7 KB, 4 views)
[S] Yoloshow VS Fanaisin 3.rpl (1.35 MB, 4 views)
[Climb] Yoloshow.rpl (404.1 KB, 4 views)