Original Post
Help me!
I have 2 questions here.
1. Can someone please show me how to use GIMP 2.6 to make textures?
2. Can someone please tell me how to get a bot for tourneys and stuff like that? Please help and thank you.

And dont come here to call me noob or any of that stuff mostly cause im not a noob and this is for help so

2nd black belt
It would be most difficult to tell you in text how to make textures using GIMP,Try using youtube,or someone might have already made a tutorial on the forums,if so try the search button(:

And I haven't seen promobot around lately,I think it got destroyed with P-T
I am by spatula is my nose my prized bear spaghetti
k i'll check if its around somewhere
Originally Posted by siku View Post

yes thank you for trying to enforce what i said siku

2nd black belt
Promo team is no more so there is no more promobot, if you go in servers advertising over and over I believe it is considered spam.

As for the gimp thing, just keep practicing and try at 128x128, 256x256 and so on so on for the sizes you use.

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~TheElement Signature WingFlame
Lemme just close this.
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