Original Post
Dimembered Arms of Fury
Demo Settings

Hold All (Press 'C')
Contract Pecs
Extend Ankles
Grabby Hands
--Space x3--
Extend Pecs
Contract Elbows, Hips, Knees
Lower Shoulders
--Space x2--
Extend Wrists, Elbows
Lower Shoulders
--Space x3--
Contract Left Wrist, Elbow
Raise Left Shoulder
--Space x2-- ___________
Extend Left Wrist, Elbow |
Lower Left Shoulder |
Contract Right Wrist, Elbow |
Raise Right Shoulder |
--Space Till Hit-- (2 or 3) |<-Repeat as much as possible (Amount of spaces may vary each hit)
Extend Right Wrist, Elbow |
Lower Right Shoulder |
Contract Left Wrist, Elbow |
Raise Left Shoulder |
--Space Till Hit-- ___________|

The most points I've achieved was up in the 600,000's. I'm sure you could do something with the players armless body too.
Your end result should be something like this: Video #1 Video #2

Apologies if this move has already been made or if it sucks :P