Original Post
Imageshack Error.
Hello, I am having a problem on the Toribash forums where if there is a picture posted in a thread it shows a picture of a frog and the text 'Click here to discover Imageshack', anybody know why and how to fix?
Came to KILL, Came to FINISH, Left with a GRIN, Left with LIFE,
All I left was a DEADPILE
I would suggest you to use It gives you a direct link when you upload images and than copy that link. Press the scene image on the post editor than paste your link. Its done.
Leon The Black
You have to create an account on ImageShack to see the pictures.
I use because its easy and free! I suggest you use it.
But, it still wont show you the pictures from Imageshack.
Again, the only way to see them is to create and account. It gives you like a 30 day free trial.