Original Post
-- Cobra's Perfect Wing Forge --
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Since a longer time i tried to forge the perfect wings (perhaps wings like tinerr does)
I now have succeeded with a successfull forged pair of Candy Wings. (I forged a buggy one too back then but these new ones are perfect)
Till now i weared them, but it is time to share.
So i am now open for taking in flame forge requests!


Estimated Forge Cost (1 WING): 137900 TC
This is however with 100 Particles.
Reducing amount makes it less expensive but also look not so pretty.

You can however decide:
- Color of the wings -
- Size of the wings -
- Blended/Not Blended wings -
- Less particles -

I have watched out for some bugs that people usualy dont do when they forge wings (This means u dont have to worry for these bugs):
- Explode when particles near destinationbodypart
- With huge air jumps the wings stretch alot
- Wings being rotateable (means if you play tori they are ok, if you play uke, they shoot out of your nipples, AND they dont rotate with your tori's body!)

Don't believe me i make such nice wings? Check it yourself:

Flame: Candy-Wing [R]
Forged by Cobra on 2017-02-28 21:22:57 for the Breast (4237).

Flame: Candy-Wing [L]
Forged by Cobra on 2017-02-28 21:28:04 for the Breast (4238).

I will NOT accept ITEMS or any other payment method than TC.
Since flame forging is only working with TC.
I am NOT taking profit out of this! The 100% forge prize gets used!