Original Post
[TEX] Emotionless
Created this head to mainly work on my mapping, shading, and hair. I don't really do this type of art, mainly a vector/anime artist, but cnc please. Made in gimp using a mouse, and also, dl and lp me for a better look.


Eyes are too big and too far apart. I think it would look better if you made the nose bridge more visible.
Really don't like the hair, don't know why, just looks really bad.
Ep is ded strop tryna revive it you nerds
Thanks for the cnc, btw it was meant to look cartoonish, that was the style I was going for.
The way you've given the hair its texture is amazing I love that. The expression is a little simplistic for my liking but that's ok. Maybe it would look good if you added a few more facial features like a more defined nose, eyelashes, eyebrows, lips ect. I also really like the gradual shading work. Very nice.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
I reckon it's pretty sweet, but there's no cheeks though. It's just such a flat face.

Cheekbones would make everything pop out etc.
The eye shadow is pretty sweet, the eyes pop because of it. The hair's done well.

I reckon you're almost finished.
Zwift your biggest mistake on this and honestly most of your heads is your use of an airbrush combining vector and airbrush is too conflicting

The head isn't bad but using the airbrush for "fast" shading ruins the head

The hair is okay would look better with some highlights
I still take texture requests for usd
The eyes are like south park so big and far apart maybe push them a little closer to
each other the nose and the mouth also need some touching up
The hair is a bit plain also.