Original Post
Probably won't finish
program is photoshop cs6

A Melancholy December

Twelve Past Ten

its inspired by my feelings... hence the notes, the intimidating face and juxtaposition between the smily face, the horror and notes. tried to make my art more personal to make it better but then i realized im lazy as fuck.

EDIT: i just realized i had f.lux on during the first wip up there^ and the colors are ass. whatevs
Last edited by Veoo; Dec 12, 2018 at 06:32 AM.
I don't know, you have a great style and technique, but I think you should start an head with an already clear idea of what you are going for. I can kind of relate to the laziness problem, but over time I found out that to solve it, at least for me: you need a drawing that you are passionate about, a drawing that you find interesting and you have motivation in completing. That means planning before committing to it.

In this head honestly I see a generic horror head that, while being nicely executed so far, doesn't depict a subject particularly interesting or that could stand out. Your most amazing heads had very good concepts at the base too other than great technique, like the technology head you won the HTOTM with.