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[VID] Bounce ok hi pusga is this title long enough for you now are you happy now?



Josh A. - Bounce

Pusga, Dscigs, Larfen, Internet
Last edited by Dscigs; Dec 4, 2014 at 11:16 PM.
the freecam was pretty boring, especially the last replay, which was some sort of finale judging by the ending text, but it was just one static angle with no movement
Video was a little slow for the song

Freecam was boring as if you used the default camera

There were bits where the background blended in with the tori

Sync on the last replay was great though

Overall I liked it
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
erratic velo, wasn't a fan of the freecam or pan/crop which felt stiff, could have emphasized the sync more, didn't mind the start but where it spun around the tori but i felt like the tori was in an awkward stance as well as the part right after that, transition at :17 felt strange, transition effect or whatever that was right after was really bad. text at the end seemed okaaay, i don't know, cc was ok

liked the first two replays, didn't like the rest, awkward stances when the tori is frozen, might want to work on that. didn't like the song but that's just my opinion

was ok
0:03 to 0:07 got me really hype but then how slow that kick was just destroyed it all.
as u went on it started to get really good and smooth

the sudden effect at 0:12 could have been done a little more better

[3:42:15 PM] Velair: i wanna fuck tyzi[3:42:17 PM] Velair: if its a girl[3:42:19 PM] Velair: possible