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Should we sink more tc and how?
I don't know about you guys, but I personally think Firebolty dumped a little too much tc into the tori-economy. I think more ways of sinking tc would be a good thing. You're welcome to debate that statement, but I want to focus on how we can sink tc in beneficial ways. By beneficial, I mean in win-win situations.

One idea I had a while back would be to trade tc for a day of your thread being stickied. So basically, you'd be paying for a day of advertising rights.

Any other ideas?
Yeah i say the sticky thread is a good idea, BUT the marketers would abuse it to sell off their items faster "etc" which would make the ecconomy get thrashed again by them :/ or possible. but i maybe think that they could make the items have a more "value" or make their be a different type of currency? idk or do "Event" items that you cant trade off, but cost a lot.. like a special force color.. or something?
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My idea would be to improve lottery system. That is, incrase max bet and increase payout. Now payout is very much too low, e.g. sinkhole where you can't win anything. I think it would actually give more sink, if payout was bigger (somewhat close to 93-94% back) so people would pay it huge time and actually sink more TCs due to people actually playing it.
I think the stickie thing is a idea if incorporated into the forums correctly, and certain rules would apply to it of course.

I think bringing back the "Double it" game... And the lottery would be pretty solid ways of sinking some of the tc. When the steam players come rushing in it will be spread out through time.

But the lottery and games similar to double it would be the way to go to sink some of them tc's out there
*stares at jsnuffmars*
Daily lottery would be great. Optimally I'd like 95% goes to winner, 5% sinks. However regarding Toribash sinking policy, they'd probably put 10% sink or something so that would sux and prob. make me not buy.

Yeah, it would be cool if you could just buy tickets for 1k/ea, unlimited number (or 1k tickets max per person, whatever) and in the end of the day there could be... huge amount of tickets. Wow.

Here's the problem: lottery would be an easy way for people or people struggling to put their last TCs at risk, which wouldn't be so great for staff dealing with scams / refunding, etc, cuz lottery would kinda ruin whole thing.

Speaking of the issue itself. I think 500 and 750tc tourneys give away too much money (close to 200k a day) and that inflates the total TCs. So I'd prefer higher financed GMtourneys over 500tc auto tourneys for sure. <- cut that. 500tc tourneys is main source of income for a decent number of toribash players and I be bad voting to cut those tourneys off. I guess it's fair they can earn money in those tourneys and I can respect that. Close to 200k a day is quite a bit of TC, tho.
Last edited by JSnuffMARS; Sep 16, 2013 at 05:37 AM.
Or instead of just doing Tc reward for the lottery which just totally defeats the purpose in the concept of sinking the tc.... if you did a tc reward it basically takes all the tc

put into the pot... the it gets rewarded to one person for him to then sink back into the community... this would be a repetitive process and would just be kinda dumb imo.

What about item prizes... no qi pure etc.. if someone got awarded a no qi elf for example it would be a nice prize... but if they were to go sell it back into the market elf is not worth

that much with the qi.... so they wouldn't really be making a difference sinking that item into the economy same could go with full no qi elf (50k a ticket or so) etc....
Sinking is important to keep the rate of inflation stable. We are pretty good because the rate toricredits are being sold for has been around 10k/1 USD for a very long time now.
So no, sinking significantly more would be harmful if anything.
How are you?
Until firebolty sunk 13 million tc into the economy surely it has made a difference. And he sold 13k/ 1$ and a high bonus if you bought a lot ..
He did not sink them, he put them into circulation.
It's a small bump in the economy, nothing the current system cannot handle.

I am talking about average prices, obviously. Anyone can sell tc for any price they want. There were a couple of millionaires selling great parts of their fortune, so there was some competition going on which lowered the prices.
Wonder why they did not wait with selling for a while… owell
Last edited by Redundant; Sep 16, 2013 at 03:58 PM.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Apricity View Post
Until firebolty sunk 13 million tc into the economy surely it has made a difference. And he sold 13k/ 1$ and a high bonus if you bought a lot ..

As Red pointed out, that's not sinking. By hoarding 13m, he would actually stall the economy. Now the money is dispersed over many accounts and they'll probably spend it. If I understand what economy is, that would actually boost the economy.
f=m*a syens