Original Post
Spin Kick !
Here it goes...

Demo Settings

Hold All [c]

Contract Right Pec
Extend Left Pec
Left Rotating Chest
Raise Shoulders
Extend Left Glute
Extend Left Hip
Contract Left Knee
Extend Right Ankle

Space x 5

Contract Left Hip
Extend Left Knee

Press [p]

Voila!If done correctly , spins in the air and kicks off Uke's right arm.Tell me , whatcha think of this move!

EDIT:If you do this move from 120 ENGAGE DISTANCE you will kick of uke's upper body !
Re: Spin Kick !
Originally Posted by Mistracid
very nice, but for me hit uke in the chest, and no limbs removed

nice move tho

Works fine for me, nice move
Re: Spin Kick !
Originally Posted by killer112
When i did this attack, i hitted the head and nothing happened.

Still very nice move...

Are you sure you did it exactly like the instructions said?