My friend is a total lover of u-gi-oh, He plays in comps and makes a bit of money off of it.

When he comes over my house he sometimes spends his time reading my cards or whatever, I actually have about 1000, I once stacked them all up one on top of the other and it stood 6 Ft+ high.

I then beat the tower down with a bat later. :3
Dungeon and Dragons Players Kit
No Joke
"A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind" - John Maynard Keynes
thats nothing. i took my playstation 2, took it out of the black case, (the slim version) and put it into a book and called it my "BookStation."

Last edited by ThePz; Jun 4, 2010 at 02:57 AM.
an extensive collection of books, from medical encyclopedias to science fiction to shakespeare, except western books with cowboys, i can and will read anything but them.
that and my computer. idk my rooms empty cuz i read or im online, mostly reading...