ES Recruitment Drive
Original Post
Hello, Bad drawer here!
Hi guys and welcome to my...Introduction page!
I'm the worst drawer, You can see here.

Bad picture Imgur

I also made a fan club of my...bad drawings, I just joined 1 day ago if you must.
Not really one day ago its like 10:47 AM so It's still the 20th.
Would love to become friends, please play with me, I'm alone.
Hello community .

Best time of my Toribash life

Hello community again and G'day to you all. Would love to get helped with some things.

Click here..

Welcome to the community !
Also don't let reta be your friend, he kinda smells funky.
HI REDRAGER AND WELCOME to this fine community

i am also a drawer


an empty drawer but a drawer nontheless

You can't possibly expect me not to make such a joke when the opportunity presents itself. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Hi there bay
enjoy your stay
Reta love to say
Pizza is a nay

geh what a bad rhyming
anyway welcome mate
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you