Original Post
Clan Pic
i have an idea for the pic, ok its me and andy back to back hes holding a grenade with the pin in his mouth. and im holding a pistol and smoke is coming out of it. and for members they can be like holing a sniper, bazzoka, machine gun, anything
[eVo]|Order of Taekkyon|2007
what up with you and the army random?
but i mean if YOU can do it, by all means

And bt, i call a pack full of cookie star things
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me."
actually the army theme was my idea
the pic was his
we are brothers he wanted a head and textures like mine
then he thought to make the clan themed war becaues thats what a revolution is if you think about it
also daman what machine gun do you want?
Originally Posted by andyson776 View Post
actually the army theme was my idea
the pic was his
we are brothers he wanted a head and textures like mine
then he thought to make the clan themed war becaues thats what a revolution is if you think about it
also daman what machine gun do you want?

it dosent matter to me as long as its a machine gun
Last edited by daman; Sep 20, 2008 at 11:14 PM.
Part of the [Revolution]
Now that you think about it revolution does remind me of war.....can i have a 50 cal instead of cookies ?
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me."
50 cal snipe?
ill try to get 9k for a head then request a cookie monster head with camo bandana
"C is for cookie, that's good enough for me."