Original Post
Ok I had this idea where everyone can make up a story about how you got in this clan and stuff. It can be like "I was attacked by aliens and they threw me into an alternate universe and tought me the arts of kung fu then i was so freaking good that andyson saw me and asked if I would join his clan." or something about a country in the west. Wheat ever you want can be posted even a story like
<andyson776>blah blah blah
<RandomNinja>I agree
<Me>Sup can i join? Any story at all just not a true (or completely true) one unless you cant think of anything. Well here goes my story.

Chief's Storehs
no. 1
One day, Chief was sitting on his doorstep waiting for something to happen. He had nothing to do on this windy day so he sat. Unexpected a letter hit it in the face. He said (Bleep) You mailman! then opened the letter. It said "Join the Toribash Community now! just sign right here." He signed it, mailed it and a few days later someone came to his house. They told chief that they were going to take him to the toribash arena. Sure enough they did. He had practiced against some dummy named uke. After about 100 or so matches he got access to the arena to fight other people. He had won over 1000 matches then fought some people named bhsninja and andyson776. they both had tags that said Bhs-pc and we started to fight. I asked if i could join their clan then they said yes. I put up my tag and after a while I became a bhs-pcElite. then SOOOO many ppl said wat does bhs stand for? so the new name became Revolution. Not long after that did andyson776 save up 50,000 tc and spent it by making our clan official. then bhsninja still had the buttholesurfers part and ppl were still asking what bhs means to he changed it to randomninja. Then Locusts came and attacked the clan revo. They captured him around january. He fought for many months then finally escaped around November where he had to try and earn his glory by beating a clan member and joining the clan again. After his glory was returned he has been living a normal life in toribash.

Chief's Second (And A LOT LONGER)Story
Once there was a person whom went by the name of chief. He was me. My life sucked
THE END. jk. He never did anything. unless it invovled guns I did not care about anything. He got invited to a gun testing shop. I was testing out the sniper when Random insane ppl started attacking us!
I ran to the furnace room with a sniper, pistol, and 2 frags. I ran down many steps and heard the others following me. At the bottom of the steps I almost tripped over a lancer. Then I heard the leader say everyones names. "<Leader>Hey bhsninja, go to the right with daman. Flaje, you and Ofillusion go down the left path. I'll go straight to him. <Flaje> But Andyson he is fully armed and we are not <Andyson/Leader>I don't care they stole my weapons and we get them back. One way or another.<Chief>*Looks at door that says "Revo's Weapons"*So that must be the Revolution squad! but how do I tell them?" So chief Ran down 2 more flights of stairs and right as I pulled out My lancer I saw Flaje and Ofillusion. It freaked me out so I fired right away. The bullet hit Flaje right in the eye and he was dead. As Ofillusion knelt down I ran and jumped over him. I then slid next to the door and waited. Right there I had 4 SMGs aiming at me. I tapped on the sign with my lancer and told them that these guns were reserved for them. So I unlocked it and let them in. They then decided I had such good aim I could join them.THREE DAYS LATER
"RUN TO THE PLATFORM ON THAT HILL!" We were under attack by serveral different clans. They were angry that Revo blew up the gun shop (2 days ago).
(Note: To make things simple A=Andyson R=RandomNinja C=Chief D=Daman O=Ofillusion) "<o>Dude there's 172 no 3 people down there!" "<R>Andyson kick that boulder and make it smash the stairs!" "<A>Dude do you want to be trapped up here?" "<R>No just do it!" *kick* *Loud smashing sounds* "<D> oh shi they got snipers! but only some of 'em" "<C> I got a Sniper" A,R,O,D starts shootin the close range people with Lancers and HammerBursts while C starts snipin people everywhere. "<C>Got 1!... Got 2!, 3!,4!,27!, 89!!!, 95!!!!," there was only 7 people left but they were all hiding. "<A>wait what about the new Recruit, Vamp_09?" "<c>oh emm gee! He is down there with a shotgun destroyin people!" "<v> Hey Guys I got all six! unless there is sev..." POW! "<Everyone>He is/ He's Hurt/ In pain! " Kill that guy! Long story short Bad guy=Dead Vamp= Rushed to hospital and healed. Thats when Me Chief was awarded Most Head Shots In the World. "<C>Hey Did you know this all started on the day of the incineration of the gun shop? Let me tell you the story" One night Revo had just got their guns back. Chief, Grumpyman and Ramenlover were sent to keep watch over the place. (Considering andyson blew the door up.) We waited in the alley next to the gun shop. I fell asleep while G and RL saw three robberies. they could not stop any of them because andyson forgot to give them their guns but I still had a supercharged Explosive in my pocket. They slipped in went to the boiler room, Put the timer to 10:00 mins and ran to wake me up. They said that some people saw us and they had a Rocket Launcher when they went in. I believed them. We hopped in the Pick-up Truck and took off When we were 3 Miles Away THey said that they were really going to blow up the factory because there was to many robbers. I Freaked out and told them to turn around and then we saw a HUGE explosion and a leg fell in the back. The next Day no one knew who did it until the end of the day. Someone found a Piece of the explosive and it sayed PROPERTY OF REVOLUTION. Then the war started at midnight we ran to a very snowy place and ran to the edge where the mountain was. We saw them all coming and A told us to go up the ledge. And Everyone knows the rest.

Vamp_09's Story
I was the champion of the great race; Known as Neutrals.
I was with the only one i loved, in each others arms awaiting the apocalypse that would soon ensue. The next thing i new i was all alone, on the flaming remains of this old world, only ashes on arms. I watched from the sidelines as a new culture of beings retook the planet. One millennium later i had turned my back on these foul beasts, knowing that they would find only my own fate awaiting them.Than i saw my chance to change these mistakes, another warrior much like myself, an outcast; although another race, his skills were similar to my own, he called himself BHS. He took me to an outcrop with only two other men, They also appeared strong.BHS than turned to me and held out his hand, and said "Welcome to the team, we need a few more recruits, but soon, we will engage in our own little Revolution against these fools."

Ofillusion's Story
Ounce lived a Prince who was soon to be leader, but one day his Evil step Brother gave him , known to be Kool-aid, BUT then ounce the prince drank it he became a weird, ugly Object.then he could not be the king because his father did not know if that was him, so his Evil step brother became the new king and the Prince was set a side. then Horror Grew into the Prince eyes as he watched them , honor his step brother. so he would cry, in anger but soon he could not take it, so he ran into his step brother's room and said now you should die! but by the time he said that he had 20 gaurds on him so he ran and decaped all of them 1 by 1 then he graved his step brother and snaped his neck, then the police were coming for him so he ran, but the one man that was able to live said he could not remeber how he looked, the man said he looked kinda Illusion'i. so then he was known to be called "Ofillusion". soon he was lost and meet some very mad skilled fighter's, who were training. so Ofillusion said "can i join"
then i a skillfull fighter named Andsyon said 1st we have to see your skill, so then Ofillusion was good enough, so BHS, and andyson gave him a warm welcome, and so did every body else, so then he said Ofillusion we are going to have our own "Revolution" on who desagree with us.

Can someone plz sticky this?
Edit: you can now make up to three stories and i'll post all of 'em up here so everyone can see the glory.
Last edited by chief; Dec 14, 2008 at 05:06 AM.
Gir:I saw a Squirrel. He was doin like this *snicking sounds*
We are getting more stories to choose from
Part of the [Revolution]
ok well i would like to hear what story you have
Gir:I saw a Squirrel. He was doin like this *snicking sounds*
oh i nice story. i might write one later.
Clan/Org's: [GATA] /[Wushu Leaguevl.2] [Jolly Roger]
<b[No]Stupinator>: Wat server with so many grat players
<b[No]Stupinator>: I Notice you Ofi :D
<WL[JollyR]Ofillusion>: Im awsome stup?
<b[No]Stupinator>: Oyea:D
wow am i the only creative one on this clan that can wing it? (Almost all the way)
Gir:I saw a Squirrel. He was doin like this *snicking sounds*
dudeni made one for the clan story.
Clan/Org's: [GATA] /[Wushu Leaguevl.2] [Jolly Roger]
<b[No]Stupinator>: Wat server with so many grat players
<b[No]Stupinator>: I Notice you Ofi :D
<WL[JollyR]Ofillusion>: Im awsome stup?
<b[No]Stupinator>: Oyea:D
Well im all for it chief!

I was the champion of the great race; Known as Neutrals.
I was with the only one i loved, in each others arms awaiting the apocalypse that would soon ensue. The next thing i new i was all alone, on the flaming remains of this old world, only ashes on arms. I watched from the sidelines as a new culture of beings retook the planet. One millennium later i had turned my back on these foul beasts, knowing that they would find only my own fate awaiting them.Than i saw my chance to change these mistakes, another warrior much like myself, an outcast; although another race, his skills were similar to my own, he called himself BHS. He took me to an outcrop with only two other men, They also appeared strong.BHS than turned to me and held out his hand, and said "Welcome to the team, we need a few more recruits, but soon, we will engage in our own little Revolution against these fools."
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Ounce lived a Prince who was soon to be leader, but one day his Evil step Brother gave him , known to be Kool-aid, BUT then ounce the prince drank it he became a weird, ugly Object.then he could not be the king because his father did not know if that was him, so his Evil step brother became the new king and the Prince was set a side. then Horror Grew into the Prince eyes as he watched them , honor his step brother. so he would cry, in anger but soon he could not take it, so he ran into his step brother's room and said now you should die! but by the time he said that he had 20 gaurds on him so he ran and decaped all of them 1 by 1 then he graved his step brother and snaped his neck, then the police were coming for him so he ran, but the one man that was able to live said he could not remeber how he looked, the man said he looked kinda Illusion'i. so then he was known to be called "Ofillusion". soon he was lost and meet some very mad skilled fighter's, who were training. so Ofillusion said "can i join"
then i a skillfull fighter named Andsyon said 1st we have to see your skill, so then Ofillusion was good enough, so BHS, and andyson gave him a warm welcome, and so did every body else, so then he said Ofillusion we are going to have our own "Revolution" on who desagree with us.

Last edited by Ofillusion; Dec 10, 2008 at 09:36 PM.
Clan/Org's: [GATA] /[Wushu Leaguevl.2] [Jolly Roger]
<b[No]Stupinator>: Wat server with so many grat players
<b[No]Stupinator>: I Notice you Ofi :D
<WL[JollyR]Ofillusion>: Im awsome stup?
<b[No]Stupinator>: Oyea:D