Original Post
Ill break this up in sections for the less literate of you

andy, desided to be absent after bhs and uddaf(or wtf ever his name was) desided to leave, What the (bleep)s up with that? not cool man....and on top of that we dont update anything and than we plan shit and dont get around to it. like elections....just little things that piss me off. so heres the thing, im making a new thread, "FOR A VOTE to KICK anyone who dosnt post in three days and stay active from than on, and hasnt posted in the missing or non active thread. and once those people get back they "Must" be active or be kicked also.
sorry but this is bullshit people, whenever there's an inactivity post you all pack to it like ass flies, it doesn't take much time to post a quick little comment here and there when you "Obviously" look at the current posts. that's all it takes, this is harsh, but its necessary and don't give me that "i wasn't able to because of timezones" shit because timezones don't span three days.

black-i dont care if you read
green-if you dont read its not that big of a deal, you wont miss much
orange-good to read this
red-if you dont read this your a lazy prick and should just leave now
Last edited by Vamp_09; Jan 1, 2009 at 04:53 AM.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
um im not active because i got a ps3 for Christmas and its really fun
so i play that like all the time