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[req]mortal combat finish him style script
i think it would be cool if some body made a script like the whole finish him thing once you get a certain amount of points toris hands and feet go instagib and uke freezes or goes limp but still stands up and you know what happens next. feel free to add to this idea and feel free to make the script. if it has been made point me to it
i think this is possible
if your DOING IT
i mean come on just punch uke a few times then rip him apart
this is like a madman
no needed shit
no instagib, but smaller dismember threshold
you want to grab him without him falling apart
more speed
less gravity
offTopic: how do you guys get your avatar like that but sorry im new to forums i want my avatar to move instead of being just still like zipil his is like moving picture i searched google but coudlnt find none..
OnTOPIC:this would be a nice program =)