The tax system would definetly not be a good idea,
even if I don't buy tc that idea sounds horrible and would menace the shops, the items, and the current topic: the tc. Thinking about the subject the tc rate (2-3) months ago was around 8k/$ now it's up to I've seen 13k/$. Either we raise market and shop items or we force a lower /$ ratio because the game isn't about being skillful and getting tc it's about seeing how much money you can make irl to buy a shit ton of crap here.
Mr has too much tc signing out, ~Rune
I think more tc needs to be sunk. Inflation and shit.

If gms would sell off some items of permabanned accounts like darknis, then that would mean less tc out and about. Yes it would add more items, but too many items isnt nearly as bad as too much tc in my opinion.

And this game is definitely still about being skillful and making tc. (like me)
If we had more people buying tc, the rates wouldnt be like 13k/usd. It would be more like 8k/usd because there would be a greater demand than the supply.

I wish people would buy more tc
Last edited by Shockey; Apr 6, 2015 at 11:55 PM.