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[TEX] Headles Art Thread
Aye, me is back just in time to still take part in the event.
Bit rusty even though this might be one of my favourite heads I ever made.
Also the skull one is pretty rushed as a lil warm up before making my entry

skull took 90 mins
oni took about 180 I think, lots of time wasted cause i kept remaking back of head

Programm used: gimp



More coming <3
Last edited by Nagato; Aug 30, 2016 at 12:44 PM.
Sup nerd
Please add programs used.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

The lights on the hair must be a bit lower at the middle because you somtimes cant see those ingame. Below the nose, add those shape of the teeth, a bit more lights on the ropes, I feel like the horns wont be THAT visible ingame, Im not fond of the forehead, Im also not a fan of the red-ish mask and the BLUE eyes. I think it would go better if the eyes were yellow. : D
3698 PM me if you want to see a secret.
at this point in the head i would go back with a hard brush and touch up the prominent edges and give some hard light shines and hard shadows

hair is over all alright but i would go back threw with a thin brush and polish some strands of hair
I still take texture requests for usd
Wow this one looks better but the only thinhpg i think is off is the light on the top of the fore head.

I dunno whats wrong whether its light or birght as compared to the rest of the lights, but it stood out fr me
Doing art requests, PM me on discord Propialis#0839
Yeah have some trouble shading it,

Can anyone please chang name of thread to: Headles art thread
Planning to post all my art in this thread from now on.

Just PM me, cats or an smod for this. Thank you.
Last edited by Nagato; Aug 30, 2016 at 12:43 PM.
Sup nerd