My main position is mid (Annie), and I rarely get it because my secondary position is support (Anivia/Annie). Because picking support as my 2nd option means that I'll get mid less, that subsequently means that I'll have to swap support with top, jungle or bot. I'm not particularly good with any of the other positions, despite constant practising. It's a real bugger for me because I excel really well in support as a secondary position.

Riot needs to find a way to make playing support more beneficial and fun for players because at the moment there's really no desire in the community to want to play there.

It's true. I think it's mostly because playing support isn't rewarding to most players. They don't like seeing other people get kills. They don't like being the one warding and poking and all the other stuff supports do. They want to be fighting. They want to carry. They want to be the one with 20 kills as vayne. I also think that's why we see a lot of midlaners as support.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
Originally Posted by Mallymkun View Post
My main position is mid (Annie), and I rarely get it because my secondary position is support (Anivia/Annie). Because picking support as my 2nd option means that I'll get mid less, that subsequently means that I'll have to swap support with top, jungle or bot. I'm not particularly good with any of the other positions, despite constant practising. It's a real bugger for me because I excel really well in support as a secondary position.

Riot needs to find a way to make playing support more beneficial and fun for players because at the moment there's really no desire in the community to want to play there.


I prefer to duo bot, because it's difficult on your own, especially if your, randomly matched, partner doesn't usually play agressive or doesn't play passive which means that you aren't able to "excel", make great plays where there just isn't a good follow through.

It's always fun to be in the same lane with a friend using comms, it usually enables you to play a lot better.
Last edited by Notnimble; Dec 2, 2016 at 01:57 AM.
cooking up a jawn get a plate
Just play fucking Janna if you get shoved into Support. It's literally free elo, Janna is so simple. Shield your adc, peel, Jannasec. Oh, the rengar is about to shit on your jinx. Just toss a tornado and continue on with your movement speed advantage. Why do you think there are so many Janna OTPs in Masters, Diamond, and Plat. But they're not very good. Support is easily one of the most important roles. You can be the deciding factor towards winning or losing lane and the game. You're the one warding/preparing to evade that 2:30 Level 3 Cheese gank. You're possibly the team's tank and engage. Support might not be outputting 800 damage tumble crits at two items, but even playing somebody like AMBULANCE is enough to do your team good. Even then, just buy a fucking redemption and carry a teamfight. Personally, idk how support mains do it. The amount of verbal abuse is close to junglers. They have to literally deal with protecting some flaming Tyler1 enthusiast or Gosu Jr, the Bronze Vayne. Rito can't make Support fun because they really aren't meant to be damage carries. Zyra being an exception. Zyra is just a straight lane bully. A good Zyra shouldn't lose lane, or ever have lane pushed. She can't lose trades and despite her lack of direct buffs to the adc she provides CC and control of the lane. Her plants also do so much. I cry when I get put against any ADC vs Zyra support. It turns into a "don't feed" lane. Can't harass, my hard push is countered with her own push, and her plants are downright a pain. Idk, feels bad being a bot lane player in this meta.

I play Thresh and Lulu personally, only because I feel like I can carry harder if my team are monkeys. There's no point to complain about Autofill or having support in your queue set up. Why? Because it gets you games faster. The sacrifice with activating autofill was getting matchmaking speed, at the loss of Game Quality. Yeah, you might get the occasional troll guy that feels obligated to play full AP Lux as your support, but at least Elo below gold aren't waiting 10 minutes or more to find a support. Why go back to the days where you were waiting so long you could literally play skyrim between games? It's not ideal. I would prefer to wait, but as long as my support isn't a troll going LB, who cares? Most people are nice enough to swap if you aren't just crying "I PICKED MID/JG WTF SWAP OR FEED"

Notnimble also has a point. ADCs are so oriented around being carried into the late game, to where having a good support is ideal. Duo queuing and having a support is very good. The amount of communication when comparing a normal lane and a lane with comms are huge. I don't think I've lost lane when I've played Jhin and had one of my friends support in a long ass time. That is, unless we fuck up monumentally hard and die to the Level 3 Lee Sin. Then we come back to lane and there we are, pushed into tower against Level 4 Vayne/Nami while we're Level 2.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
You wanna fuck with Zyra?


Bitch ain't shit when she in punching range. Flash or fb a near certainty if their jungler aint there.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
KT SSG and SKT are going to pop off season 7. CJA and Madlife are free agents. hope KT gets madlife. Although its sad to see many teams disband and go, like ROX.
I never got into esports. I watched like a game in an old lcs series but I got bored. I'd rather play the game than watch someone else play the game much better than I can.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15
It's okay, I didn't want Worlds to be interesting anyways

Seriously though. Peanut on SKT? Nuts. Huni confirmed for SKT is huge. KKoma literally is just drawing from a goodie bag of Free Agents to make SKT more successful than ever before.

But apparently Faker is making 2.5m a year by staying on SKT. That's insane.

NA LCS isn't too far off from being very interesting too. TSM still hasn't revealed their contracted ADC. I doubt an import is going to happen. TSM wants a completely english speaking team, hence Pray for TSM is 90% dead. Dount Gosu will be taken off the bench; Bjerg has stated that Gosu is Competitively inept, so him being made on the main roster is unlikely. WTs performance at IEM Oakland was less than satisfactory. It's unsure as to if he'll be their final slot.


I don't think C9 has changed, has it? But I wouldn't doubt it if they do something like TL and have a full roster of subs. I don't think Hai will ever see play though. C9 has been doing too well without him.

Apparently Echo Fox picked up some talent like Gate, but the likes of them and P1 are very unlikely to be anything worthwhile.

I watch Esports for all games I play. Not just to see what's OP and what I should be playing, but to learn from what I don't know, and to pick up mechanics, rotations, jungle timing, and general play sense.
|[TA]|[MLO]|Team Pokemon|
Fear sucks eggs
That moment when the enemy bot lane both afk or dc in a ranked game. You didn't even need to gank. Luc and Jayce would just carry you.
"Who wouldn't pass up gay sex with Bercat?"
"Day is probably masturbating to Osu"- Hydra 2k15