I see you won't be continuing this..

Since I'm bad at explaining things through words, I thought it would be more help if I did a paintover
Here it is, if you're interested:

some points inside

Last edited by Ragey07; Oct 3, 2018 at 05:14 AM.
best item forogerer
Originally Posted by Ragey07 View Post
I see you won't be continuing this..

Since I'm bad at explaining things through words, I thought it would be more help if I did a paintover
Here it is, if you're interested:

some points inside

I dont know If I should CnC you or Ezeth.

-the eyes are still not even
-the detail on the eyebrows doesnt work.
-why a Shining torso if the focus is on the face. Isnt it a portrait?
Originally Posted by Ragey07 View Post
I see you won't be continuing this..

Since I'm bad at explaining things through words, I thought it would be more help if I did a paintover
Here it is, if you're interested:

some points inside

wow you are good, I see what its "supposed" to look like thanks ragey