Original Post
[S] How interesting... Rainbows and STARS :)

Meh flame.
Forged by meh.

With the flame particle texture

It's activated.

Dl/lp Deuteria for an in-game preview.

The flame particle texture comes with the flame.

I'll upload pictures of the flame, without the flame particle texture, once I'm able to, regarding certain forum issues.

I accept Tc, and/or other flame/s.

I know, I know. I need to have an image that doesn't have any particle texture affecting the flame, thus;
Originally Posted by Deuteria
I'll upload pictures of the flame, without the flame particle texture, once I'm able to, regarding certain forum issues.

Without the flame particle texture:


Last edited by Deuteria; Jan 11, 2012 at 08:26 AM.
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The warrior guided by the spirit serves humanity, the warrior without, serves the ego.
try to dont change uke to your your self, it makes the flame seems like a multy flame i mean your flame and uke changed to your self it means twice
Originally Posted by raihan12

I'll just keep saying no to these sorts of offers.

Dunkin, speak fluent English, so that I might understand you. And no.

firebolty: I was, I'm not sure if I am still, not able to deactivate my flame particle texture and have it take affect in-game.
Last edited by Deuteria; Jan 11, 2012 at 07:57 AM.